
No Matter Watt - The Musical!

Gordon Stephen Matheson Jr · Ages 16+ · United States of America

world premiere
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no matter watt - the musical!


August 26, 2021 certified reviewer

What I liked

what I liked was how each character played a paired in the mains story weather it was a negative or positive. Myself being in recovery I could see where some of these things have played a part or where I myself have played the part.

What I didn't like

It could be improved by being longer to allow more character development and possibly some more music being it was composed beautifully

My overall impression

My overall impression of this play was that It embodies what an induvial will go thru getting clean and or sober. Filling the holes in our lives with substances and or feelings to distract us from what is really going on within ourselves. A well written play, the music fit beautifully and accompanied the ebb and flow of what was happening throughout the storyline

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no matter watt - the musical!