A play that covers a lot of important and pertinent topics. My cast mate and I left our showing in deep discussion about the moral decisions we would make if we were given the power of the Masher, which is the point of theatre: to get people talking. ...
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I can't get this show out of my head. It was truly excellent. It gets straight to the core of a big (and difficult) topic by employing an impressive economy (in set, in cast size) that, along with superb acting and great writing, really lets its message get through. ...
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I loved the show! It was engrossing and well acted throughout. Excellent use was made of the small space and single stage for the variety of scene settings. Actors and lighting worked together for seamless scene transitions. I appreciated the intensity with which this play explored its timely themes....
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The Masher is an awesome show, one of the best I have seen all year and especially one of the best show performances for Hollywood Fringe 2019! I highly recommend that you see this delightful, creepy show and do not miss out. It is a must see for Hollywood Fringe 2019. ...
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