Sex and the Musical

musicals and operas · for the love of parody productions · Ages 21+ · United States of America

world premiere

From the team that brought you “Buffy Kills Edward,” comes a new parody musical, a prequel to Sex and the City. “Sex and the Musical” answers the question of how our favorite girls became friends, with a pop score by composer Laura Wiley (Buffy Kills Edward, Winter Is Coming, The Video Games). Meet pre-pilot Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda, and Samantha as they meet one another in fabulous New York City. Come grab a cosmo and see the show that brings original pop songs, showstopper choreography, and the four sexiest women in NYC.

Production Team

cory robison *

director, mr. big, choreography

sandy wang *

arranger/music director

reagan osborne *

allen prince

nick rubando *


laura wiley *

producer, writer

alli miller-fisher *

samantha jones, choreography

* Fringe Veteran