An Odyssey

dance & physical theatre · ungovernable theatre company · Ages 16+ · United States of America

world premiere
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JERRY DAVIS uncertified reviewer June 04, 2018
tagged as: thoughtful · humorous · serious
It was remarkably well acted. I found the idea of using "The Odyssey" as a take off point for telling a story of War and return from the woman's point of view quite interesting. The playwright deserves real credit for the idea and so does the director for his work too. As I said, all three of the actors were excellent as was the musician. To do all of this so well in sixty minutes is quite an accomplishment. I highly recommend this show to everyone. ... full review
JENNIFER LAWSON uncertified reviewer June 06, 2018
tagged as: amazing · heartbreaking · Engaging · funny
What happens when daddy doesn't come home. This amazing story of waiting for the world's most iconic war hero captures the reality behind the facade. Beautifully written, acted and scored. Argus the dog should be nominated for an award!... full review
SALLY KRAMER certified reviewer June 06, 2018
Incredulity well-written story makes you want to revisit Homer's Odyssey and learn even more Captivating characters from Greek Mythology are now part of everyday Army life,.Penelope and Telemachus are brilliantly played by Julia Davis and Joe De Soto And Carolina Montenegro plays the perfect Argus. By the way, could you find me a dog like Argus? Max Denney's original score, played by him, makes for an amazing time at the Fringe Sally Kramer ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 07, 2018
I was blown away by the amazing story portrayed in only an hour! The struggles of what happens when dad goes off to war, and what he's left behind. Joe DeSoto portrays Telemachus the 20yo, eagle scout, son of Odysseus, hysterically. Julia Davis is the wife of Odysseus and beautifluly depicts what its like to be an army wife. Carolina Montenegro is the aging and wise family dog Argos who's seen it all. Would highly recommend to anyone! So much talent!... full review
SANDRA SCHAEFER uncertified reviewer June 08, 2018
tagged as: Believable · heartbreaking
I was enthralled and moved by the play. The subject matter was pertinent and honestly and cleverly handled. The cast was superb and the sets and sound effects (music) were clever and effective. ... full review
ALYSSA WELDON certified reviewer June 11, 2018
I was very impressed with the actors and How they handled their dialogue and moved the story forward only through monologues. Each of them took us on their personal journey with them and I was along for the ride! Special shout out to Carolina Montenegro with her performance as the family’s dog. Her performance was moving, touching, and you believable. Great job!... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 11, 2018
I was really amazed how the whole show consisted of each character taking turns doing long monologues. The actors really knew how to interact with the audience and really sell their characters with each of their dramatic monologues. I honestly forgot during the show that it was a different take on The Odyssey because it brings such an interesting and relatable spin about a family waiting for the father to come home from war. Definitely had funny moments especially with Argus, the dog, who definitely needs a hug...and some actual food...and maybe a bath. Awesome job. Serious points to the director. Definitely recommend.... full review
BILL POSLEY certified reviewer June 12, 2018
Loved this show. What an amazing take on the Odyssey. As a Veteran I felt for the characters and had a complete connection and point of view I never even thought of before!... full review
CHRISTIAN MONTENEGRO uncertified reviewer June 13, 2018
It was a small acting crew of 3 who all played characters with very different personalities and this keeps you engaged as the scenes changed. The mom was incredible at changing emotions from one extreme to another. The sons story arch started almost kind of sad and got funnier as the show went on while the dogs scenes were hilarious with how crazy yet somehow accurate it was portrayed. Overall really funny and engaging. ... full review
LUCY SLAVIN uncertified reviewer June 13, 2018
tagged as: new · fresh · dramedy · poetic · interactive
The show is a metaphorical take on The Odyssey at a first glance, but once the show pulls you in with it's humorous and effortlessly poetic monologues it becomes a slice of American life grappling with the loss of someone who isn't actually gone. It's told from the point of view of a military man's wife, his eagle scout son, and their scruffy but contemplative dog. It's like a cross between The Penelopiad and Mad Men, and carries with it the intimacy of reading a diary. I highly recommend seeing it.... full review