Wild At Hart: A Tale of Trauma & Triumph

kamakshi hart · Ages 15+ · United States of America

one person show
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ARTHUR HOYLE uncertified reviewer June 24, 2018
A wrenching and ultimately cathartic tale of redemption from sexual child abuse movingly told through narration, impersonation, and song. Kamakshi takes the audience with her on the spiritual path that brought her to transcendence and healing from her suffering. Her brave performance gives a powerful theater experience that opens hearts to love and compassion.... full review
BOB LEGGETT certified reviewer June 24, 2018
tagged as: #metoo · trauma · triumph · music · yoga
Kamakshi Hart has a beautiful voice, whether chanting her mantra or singing out show tunes. Her story, although full of pain and trauma, is told so beautifully that the audience can’t help but be uplifted by her unquenchable spirit and her ability to triumph over that tragedy.... full review
FARION PEARCE uncertified reviewer June 25, 2018
tagged as: deeply personal · touching
I was enthralled and inspired by Kamakshi's amazing portrayal of a triumph over life's adversities. ... full review
SUSAN MOORE certified reviewer July 01, 2018
Wild at Hart was thoughtfully sensitive, and extremely moving. A performance piece that touched me with moments of intense sadness and joy. ... full review
MELANIE KAREEM PAPISH certified reviewer July 12, 2018
This Tale was incredibly polished and compelling throughout. As Kamakshi took me on the tour of her life's traumas and triumphs, at every moment I felt I was in capable, thoughtful & well rehearsed "hands," for which I was grateful because the subject matter is intense. Shining a very bright light on all the types of trauma she suffered, I walked out a more compassionate person. Kamakshi has an incredibly gifted and well trained singing voice. She has my FAVORITE kind of singing voice. So that was a real bonus to the overall experience. The songs she used in the show were perfectly selected; I could listen to her sing all day! I'm a dance & music performer, However, I've only been to see theater pieces a handful of times in my 61 years (b... full review