Nakedheart: Rebel with a Voice

cabaret & variety · nakedheart productions · Ages 14+ · United States of America

world premiere
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LOYD LUIS uncertified reviewer July 21, 2018
it was unique and different, which left a memorable impact. I liked the story which seemed like it came from the writers real life experience. Deep meeningful peace that was done by a group of individuals who put their heart and soul and time into it. bravo ... full review
KRYSTAL PERES uncertified reviewer July 22, 2018
I left the theater with a reality check of my life. This was a wonderful show with a powerful performance. It was very nice how all the actors played their role with compelling believability. Great exhibition of once life moments, wheater they were sad or funny. Writer managed to blend it all so gracefully that it left a memorable performance in my mind. ... full review
ANNA AMELCHENKO uncertified reviewer July 22, 2018
This show was so greatly successful! I was moved by the quality and overall entertained throughout the whole experience. Well organized and something I have definitely never seen before in any other piece. One of a kind, I can tell the great efforts put in to creating a play such as Armen had. I was truly engaged the whole time.... full review
NANA PETROSOVICH uncertified reviewer July 23, 2018
the theater itself was not something i would be looking forward to visiting again, but the set of wonderful ensemble of actors led me to think otherwise. "REBEL WITH A VOICE", brought out my rebelious side, after watching it twice, the first show was as fascinating, thrilling every moment and whimsical at the same time, as the second time attending it. The director put an amazing show together with smooth scene changes, a clear focus and cohesiveness that is both realistic and impressive and unmatched. I really enjoyed watching it and it opened up a door for me to look into that aspect of a profession for myself. BRAVO... full review
NORO POGO uncertified reviewer July 23, 2018
The play embraces the human condition by depicting characters with life circumstances and feelings that anyone can relate to. With atmospheric lighting, interesting props, attractive performers, and skillful acting, not to mention the hiilarious moments in between, there is no way the play could not have been memorable. The play had a poetic touch and density. It was funny and realistic and to the point. ... full review
ANONYMOUS uncertified reviewer June 24, 2018
The story made sense but instead of the creator making specific choices to tell the story, they chose to try and do everything at once. Choosing to do everything that comes to your mind is not making choices.... full review