Loves Adventures

comedy · broads' word ensemble · United States of America

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June 23, 2017 certified reviewer

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My overall impression

Delightful! Loves Adventures is a beautifully-conceived Restoration comedy: in Hollywood shorthand, an “18th-Century Rom Com”. Or in this case, an 18th Century Feminist Romcom. Broads Words is a passionate company who have staged the lesser-known work of Margaret Cavendish, giving important exposure to the voice of a female playwright from the Restoration era, deftly cutting longer scenes into bite-sized chunks.

Restoration Comedy was partly inspired by the idea of ‘Social Contracts’ coming out of the French Revolution – the concept that we get into relationships (love, sex, marriage) but on a deeper level there is a contract between two people – e.g. the man will care for the wife, protect her and support her.

Broads Words cleverly turn this on its head, showing strong powerful women who take the lead, like Esther Mira’s graceful & artful performance as Lady Bashful. ‘Loves Adventures’ is loosely set in the 1980s and the pre-show Britpop playlist sets the tone for an event which will be fun, upbeat & joyful. Loves Adventures is a great contribution to the Hollywood Fringe.

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