

solo performance · THE FLYING KIWI · Ages 18+ · New Zealand

one person show world premiere
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ROSIE CARNAHAN-DARBY certified reviewer June 03, 2017
Great story delivered by a fabulous performer in an innovative way.... full review
KERI TOMBAZIAN certified reviewer June 05, 2017
tagged as: Bold · funny · moving · startling · fantastic!
Though the true-life events that are at the center of this piece are somewhat tragic - Cameron Jones tells the story in such a way as to be irresistibly funny. Excellent theare. ... full review
ZACHARY BERNSTEIN fringe review: certified reviewer June 13, 2017
FringeReview - full review
WILLIAM MANN certified reviewer June 22, 2017
Fantastic display of talent. The performer created a unique and inspired one man play which should be given a wider and grander platform to display his talent. ... full review
BAILEY ARRATA certified reviewer June 21, 2017
The show was very physical and used the space well. Henry Lewis' character forced the audience to feel hope for him and invest in his journey to be someone. I was highly amused by the character, he made me laugh throughout the play and at the end Lewis' story pulled at my heart strings. ... full review
ALEXANDER WINTER certified reviewer June 25, 2017
tagged as: original · powerful · spectacular
One of the most incredible actors I've had the pleasure to watch. The commitment and passion from start to finish took me on an emotional rollercoaster. I can not wait to see more of Cameron Jones. The big screen is waiting for him...... full review
JAMES SHAW certified reviewer June 26, 2017
Captivating. The show took us all on a journey, and he kept us engaged every step of the way. Amazing. ... full review
NATHANIEL BEAVER fringetv 2017 certified reviewer June 27, 2017
High energy one man show was exciting to watch and to experience. You get swept into the energy and it does not stop.... full review
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