

The Lake Arrowhead Repertory Theatre Company · Ages 10+ · United States of America

world premiere
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ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 10, 2017
The stories are thought provoking, funny and sometime sad, but all had the important message of acknowledging and expressing gratitude for all that life delivers.... full review
TIM NIEMEIER certified reviewer June 24, 2017
Very fun and entertaining!... full review
BRIAN MCLAUGHLIN certified reviewer June 24, 2017
Just Sayin' was tremendous! Any one of the nine personal stories would have been enough to be satisfying. But, all the tales interwoven made it a tour de force. The acting was top notch and the writing was powerful. The innovative format was much appreciated.... full review
DAVID MACDOWELL BLUE certified reviewer June 26, 2017
tagged as: reader's theatre · funny · sad · tragedy · drama · comedy · biography
In the space of a simple theatre stage, people turn around and in a kind of kaleidoscope speak to someone in their lives--thanking them. They pretend for the moment we are their 'other' and so we have a mystery to solve. But then so do all the characters, who are not characters. They are themselves, the real actors who among other things recognize they are also characters.... full review
encore winner!! just sayin'