Mary's Medicine

red flag media productions · Ages 10+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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KRISTEN MIMMS certified reviewer June 20, 2017
Absolutely loved the show! It was everything I could have asked for in a play about a powerhouse woman fighting to make a difference in a stubborn world of racism.... full review
ZACHARY JOHNSON-DUNLOP uncertified reviewer June 20, 2017
The show was incredibly strong. Mary Secoles story is told with remarkable efficiency without losing any emotional impact. The script and direction are both emotionally strong and at times very funny. A treat of a show. the use of modern characters as storytellers proved strong in its use as bookends to the show. ... full review
JAKE J uncertified reviewer September 12, 2023
medical residency 2023-09-12 Monica What role does personal interest play in selecting a medical residency? Can you provide advice on balancing lifestyle preferences with medical residency choices? 2023-09-12 Dylan However, life outside the hospital matters just as much. Balancing lifestyle preferences with your residency choice can greatly impact your overall well-being. Residents often work grueling hours, so factors like location, work-life balance, and the program's culture become essential considerations. Do you prefer the hustle and bustle of a big city, or does a quieter, more suburban setting align better with your lifestyle? Are you willing to trade-off some free time for a program known for its prestige and research o... full review
RASIKA MATHUR certified reviewer June 17, 2017
Kudos to Matthew Robinson. This play was well cast. I enjoyed the use of the Theater for the "storytelling" framework. Loved the costumes and how the character of Mary Seacole was portrayed, meaning to see her conviction to others face to face, but in private, allowing her fears to air out. Also very grateful to have a diverse cast and a new story to add to all of our education.... full review
SOFIE KHAN certified reviewer June 18, 2017
Coming from working at think tanks, academia and a whirlwind of professors and writing research articles - I THOROUGHLY enjoyed this performance! It's no easy feat to write a script let alone do this level of in-depth research to create such a rich and fulfilling experience for its audiences! A must-see!... full review
ELIZA GIBSON certified reviewer June 19, 2017
Such an important untold piece of history brought to stage - really well done! I enjoyed the compositional choice of the writer having modern day nurses-in-training play counterpoint to a period piece. The audience and the nurses-in-training together enjoy the discovery of this very powerful story of a woman-of-color shaping medicine and the nursing profession. An important story for us all to know. Very well-acted and staged.... full review
ANONYMOUS uncertified reviewer June 21, 2017
tagged as: Make Me Care
Two worlds: Modern medical millenials peruse a biography of a dark-skinned, up-from-under (Jamaica, in fact) version of Flo Nightingale, aloft, while on the mainstage the biography itself unfolds like a very P.C.- biopic. The actors are passionless and often seem hellbent on a "realistic" style that renders them inaudible and emotionally under-engaged. The Mary Seacole, played by a slender actress of unprepossessing disposition, gives absolutely no indication that she has the audacity, rebelliousness, or physical size that the author indicates. ... full review
BILL DAWSON certified reviewer June 25, 2017
Who knew learning history could be so entertaining? It was fun to see the same actors come back as different people. I didn't think they could pull that off...but they did. ... full review