

ensemble theatre · BSD Productions and Cyanide Theatre · Ages 17+ · United States of America

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VIRGINIA RIDGERS certified reviewer June 05, 2016
tagged as: wall street · witty · intense · well written · moving
A well thought out wordy play that provokes equal amounts of shock and heartfelt emotional response from the audience. There are a couple of violent scenes that are remarkably realistic and the cast does a superb job with their timing throughout. Stellar performances from everyone, especially the leads and a heart wrenching monologue from David Lee Garver. Zachary Sherman does a fantastic job, even in a small role, of breaking the intensity with some much needed laughs. I thought an hour and a half might drag on with such an intense setting but it flew by once you were ensconced in the lives and troubles of these ruthless Wall St traders.... full review
BEN BLONIGAN certified reviewer June 06, 2016
one word.....FLAWLESS.... full review
JAMES ANDRONICA uncertified reviewer June 08, 2016
ONE STEP OVER is a rare treat, the kind of theater that once buzzed its way from Off-Off Broadway into American fabric, giving platform to the gifted, launching careers and sweeping many into the fishbowl of iconic fame. The good stuff seems harder to find these days, the gritty material that holds each minute with riveting performances that speak with originality yet familiarity. There’s no stage-stiffness here, no line reading, just the polished flow of talent and dedication. The marvelous work of David Lee Garver, Edward Hendershott, Ralph Guzzo, Andy Dubitsky and Zachary Sherman makes you forget you are at the theater, exchanging your sanctioned seat for a crack in the door, an open window from which you paused to intrude on the privacy... full review
ADRIAN BLOOM certified reviewer June 08, 2016
D.B Levin's "One Step Over" is gripping on multiple levels. The writing and acting is superb. I was drawn into the world of these characters from the moment the lights turned on until the very end---90 minutes that just flew by effortlessly. Edward Hendershott's portrayal of "Martin" is riveting. And David Lee Garver's monologue is gut wrenching. All the actors gave a sense humanity to characters that might otherwise be seen as nothing more than shallow crooks.... full review
MATT RITCHEY certified reviewer June 12, 2016
This is Theatre. I was absolutely in awe of the writing - the characters, the use of language - it was Mamet, only smoother and with more respect for actors. The direction was fantastic - with three chairs and two tables, I was transported INTO New York apartments, boardrooms, restaurants. The acting (and this is connected to the direction) was truthful, impacting, and raw - across the board, though David Lee Garver and Ralph Guzzo's work truly stands out. This deserves an extension, a stay in New York, and a screenplay adaptation. Hands down, best drama I've seen so far. GO!... full review
ERICKA CLEVENGER certified reviewer June 13, 2016
The actors were flawless in their dedication to character and story. I would recommend this play to anyone. Just maybe don't bring your overly religious grandma who shutters at the word poop.... full review
one step over
ZELDA WILLSON uncertified reviewer May 27, 2024
"Imagine how much money it would take to make you happy. Now double it. Then triple it. And just before you get a chance to collect… watch it slip away like mercury down the drain." This provocative scenario sets the stage for D.B. Levin's ruthless drama, "One Step Over." The play takes audiences on a relentless journey into the lives of a group of Wall Street brokers who are as morally bankrupt as they are financially ambitious. Levin masterfully combines elements of tragedy, comedy, and horror, creating a narrative that is as captivating as it is disturbing.... full review
RICHARD SCHWARTZ uncertified reviewer June 04, 2016
It was like getting swift kick in the Balls into reality, painfully intense in a good way. Could not help to think the whole time during the show "I hope it lasts", and it did from beginning to end. Highly recommend "One Step Over"... full review
NED CASUAL uncertified reviewer June 06, 2016
A very moving and well executed production and I can't wait for the official run this weekend! ... full review
KAYLEEN VERITY uncertified reviewer June 06, 2016
tagged as: drama · intense · thrilling · comedic · serious · incredible · talented · amazing
I was thoroughly impressed by the amount of talent within the cast and crew who helped put the show together. From the acting, to the costumes, to the minimal set pieces - they all played such an important part within the performance. I can't wait for the show to open this weekend and I hope everyone enjoys it as much as I did!... full review
one step over