
New York in Chains

musicals and operas · Don Lewis · Ages 12+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere

About the Project

NYC is dark. The Statue of Liberty is sad and lonely. She leaves her island with a mysterious key and secret. Two sisters, living in an illegal AirBnB garage apartment, enlist to help Miss Liberty and solve their own problems with the evil landlord William McGreedy. Through song and dance, the sisters discover heroes that teach them how to save the free world and the light of freedom.

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Production Team

Lauren Nikohl

lauren nikohl *

statue of liberty
Mary Rachel Gardner

mary rachel gardner *

assoc. producer
Kylie Grogan

kylie grogan *

baby sister
Benito Borjas

benito borjas *

william mcgreedy
Don Lewis

don lewis *

writer, composer, producer
Thomas Hollow

thomas hollow *

captain henry hudson
David Tsiklauri

david tsiklauri *

music director

* Fringe Veteran

new york in chains