
U and Me and My Best Friend P

solo performance · Abby · Ages 8+ · United States of America

family friendly one person show world premiere
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u and me and my best friend p


June 23, 2015 certified reviewer

My overall impression

It meant much for you to share -

But it meant more to see and care

about U and yours, and M E and mine,

to laugh and cry about boys and vines,

how childhood’s entwined with spoken glass.

We learned sometimes, one must be an ass.

Oh, I loved your show, dearest Abby,

It was amazing, your work’s not shabby!

I cannot wait to see some more,

to laugh, and cry and perhaps abhor

the crazy things you’ll show and speak,

The mess you’ll make, the joys you’ll squeak.

Thank you, dear Abby. Thank U, dear Ab B.

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u and me and my best friend p