Dead Dog's Bone: A Birthday Play

2:20 productions · Ages 8+ · United States of America

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June 20, 2015
IMPORTANT NOTE: We cannot certify this reviewer attended a performances of this show because no ticket was purchased through this website or the producer has not verified they attended.

My overall impression

Dead Dog’s Bone, a short play, cleverly intertwines characters and plot in an entertaining and lively presentation. Narrated by the omniscient Virgin Mary, the

characters work out their life dilemma with humor and pathos.
Will romance win? Will Juniper succumb to love’s illusions?
Remembrances past of her parent’s unsuccessful marriage make her life and her commitments difficult or is it just her inherited genes that gave her mother such a wandering wistfulness. The symbolism of dog, representing hearth and the love of home, compete with the draw of an unplanned future. All plays out amid clever stage direction and an engaging use of memorabilia rather than the usual set.

Particular fine characterizations include Julia Finch as Virgin Mary, Luke Medina as Dog, and Hailey McAfee as Juniper. Fine direction by Rosie Glen-Lambert keeps a brisk
pace wile showcasing the characters inner motives. A very worthy play, all in the short space of sixty minutes!

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