The Three Clubs bar, host to this show, serves alcoholic drinks of course, but you may prefer a can of Coke…or a LINE of coke…to keep up with the frenetic lunacy of David Lebarron’s quirky mix and mash of music and mayhem.
Following the exploits of a group of gamers who are actually just a group of performers (well, some of them are only virtual I guess) in a bar who end up going to Fairyland and singing a song about sex (but not in a weird way) with a unicorn and defeating a wizard hell-bent on domination we…how did this sentence start again?
There’s no point trying to fight the whip-snap pace and dialog of Lebarron and the dedicated duo who play with him on stage (I don’t know how they memorized it all but they didn’t seem to miss a beat), so just sit back and enjoy the quick quips, foul language, endless geek/nerd references and some surprisingly listenable (and clever) tunes sung by people who actually can sing. It’s not for everyone, I’m not even sure it was for me, but it was definitely original and a tribute to the joys of DIY theater, which seems to be what Fringe does best.