Inside The Mind Of Me

a theatre unleashed member-produced project · Ages 15+ · United States of America

world premiere
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June 13, 2015 certified reviewer

My overall impression

There were a lot of interesting elements, including how they personified death and having the empty bed represent “Me”, the man in the coma. And all of the performances were good, with a few stand-outs who really brought things to a high emotional level.

However, the writing sometimes felt heavy-handed and generic, particularly when depicting the abuse that Me had suffered. Some of the flashbacks simply showed us moments we already knew had happened without adding any new details. The play could have been shorter had some of these been removed.

It also really took me out of it when, during when of the most powerful moments, one of the actors says they are at the Fringe Festival. This could totally work for a comedy, or even a funny moment in a more serious play perhaps, but it ruined the emotional moment it had built up for me.

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