
"SKANKY ME FROM KANKAKEE" - A World Premiere Rock Musical

musicals and operas · Marc Francoeur · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere
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"skanky me from kankakee" - a world premiere rock musical


June 21, 2015 certified reviewer

My overall impression

a coming of age tale about a young gay boy growing up in the midwest in the 1970’s, "Skanky me from Kankakee " is full of heart. Marc Francoeur’s songs are beautifully crafted and the show manages to be both personal – it is an autobiography – and universal as we follow his young hero on a quest for love, acceptance and self-acceptance. With references to Big Jim, Charlie’s angels and Barbie’s dream house, “Skanky me…” Is a love letter to the 1970’s as well as a heartfelt exploration of the constant balancing act you must accomplish to survive adolescence when you are “different”.

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"skanky me from kankakee" - a world premiere rock musical