
"SKANKY ME FROM KANKAKEE" - A World Premiere Rock Musical

musicals and operas · Marc Francoeur · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere
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"skanky me from kankakee" - a world premiere rock musical


June 19, 2015 certified reviewer
tagged as: Standing O · compelling · Brilliant!!

My overall impression

Do you want to Laugh? Cry? Move and Shake?

Then make sure you see Skanky Me from Kankakee – it will make you do that and more!

The sly wit and heartbreaking depth of the script is a stark contrast to the razzle-dazzle, knock down – drag out humor and energy that abounds. It blends beautifully with the original soundtrack that I genuinely expect will produce a couple of Platinum Discs.

Marc Francoeur wrote and stars in this standout project. His compelling acting style is genuine. His feelings appear to radiate to the hearts of his captive audience. He is complimented by a very limber and talented ensemble cast and good background musicians.

Marc Francoeur and Skanky Me from Kankakee are ready for Broadway. The Hudson Theatre is charming, but way too small for the Standing O and Mega Kilowatts in the room!

Make sure buy a baton before you go…you will want to twirl for days!

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"skanky me from kankakee" - a world premiere rock musical