Defending Against Eros: Three One Act Plays

theatre · polymanus productions · Ages 13+ · United States

world premiere
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June 21, 2010
IMPORTANT NOTE: We cannot certify this reviewer attended a performances of this show because no ticket was purchased through this website or the producer has not verified they attended.

My overall impression

Each of the three one acts in this production has a distinctly different feel and approach to the subject. The first piece really began to pick up once the characters/dieties are established—which took a little time and exposition—and being to interact with each other in a series of 2 person scenes. The opening tableau of the second one-act, “Interrogation”, was breathtaking. The actor playing the part of Suspect deftly walked the line between creepy and endearing and was a great compliment to the stoic and conflicted “Terry” whose physicality and facial expressions blew me away. Their cat and mouse created an incredible tension that sustained throughout. In the final piece, CODA, the performances were solid and the staging worked well, however both the 2nd and 3rd pieces were a bit heavy handed in their messaging towards their conclusions. Overall a nice collection of work.

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