Chitlin Blues: Dancing in the Grey

dance & physical theatre · theatre roscius · Ages 14+ · United States

family friendly world premiere
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MICHAEL SULLIVAN uncertified reviewer June 28, 2014
Exploring race and sexuality. Chitlin' Blues isn't afraid to push the boundaries of "safe" theatre. I recommend every see it with an open mind and an open heart. ... full review
THOM DEEM uncertified reviewer June 28, 2014
I was lucky enough to see Chitlin Blues on opening night. So, I had no preconceived idea of what to expect. What I saw was a great surprise. This is a well directed, well acted, treat of a theatrical experience. The movement and the dramatic tension of this piece are well served by the patience of the staging. I think a lesser director would have had a hard time trusting the audience enough to allow the piece to unfold organically. Though there is little dialogue, all of the actors show patience, trust, and focus. Excellently executed. I strongly commend the entire company and recommend this show. Thom Deem Santa Monica... full review
LEILANI MARIE certified reviewer June 29, 2014
I left with the realization of what this show spoke to me about how I can change the cycle, about how I can take notice and about how I can be....I'm sure people left with different perspectives but that is what this show does. Interesting all around, I'm glad I saw it.... full review
FAITH COLLINS uncertified reviewer June 30, 2014
This beautiful piece of art was so intriguing, poignant and so very moving. The layers of upon layers of who we really are as human beings was truly magical and inspiring. ... full review
BOBBY FULLOVE uncertified reviewer June 22, 2014
All four women took me to another place at times I could not tell who was the Juba . Meaning all the women transformed into this character . All of them made their performance look effortless. I will defiantly see it again this weekend.... full review
LIBERTY W uncertified reviewer June 22, 2014
tagged as: Women in arts
I was truly intrigued by the women of Chitlin blues and the hidden messages throw out the show ultimately the entire show came to light. I was truly influenced by the "Stump Speech" and it's emotional connection to all the characters . The show is must see!... full review
LEONARD WILLIS uncertified reviewer June 22, 2014
I think that it was one of the most creative and entertaining shows that I've seen it quite some time. Each one of the ladies performances was fantastic and I would encourage everyone to come out and see this show, it will be a memorable experience for all. ... full review