RSVP: RIP (Really Into Partying)

solo performance · angry alice · Ages 17+ · United States

one person show world premiere
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rsvp: rip (really into partying)

Review by ERIC CIRE

June 23, 2014 certified reviewer

My overall impression

Two years ago at Fringe I saw Katie Molinaro perform a piece from her show “On The Rag To Ritches” and loved it enough that I’ve wanted to see a full set ever since, but have always managed to miss the opportunity. I finally managed to correct that by seeing RSVP: RIP tonight and can honestly say it was worth the wait. Despite a fairly light crowd, Molinaro performed like the entirety of Los Angeles was crowding the room, completely giving a 100% performance over to every single member of the audience.
The songs are fun and funny and Dana Wells does a great job keeping the pace as a one-woman band, but they of course act as performance pieces for Molinaro, and she uses them very effectively as such.
All in all, the show never lets down for a second and is very much worth your time and money.

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rsvp: rip (really into partying)