Fringe newcomers ‘Mine is Yours’ are proud to revive their ensemble-based, fast-paced, and fun production of Twelfth Night for a new Hollywood audience. After being asked to extend an extremely successful and well-received Santa Monica run, they are delighted to bring this magical show to the stage again.
“fresh and emotionally grounded production” — Rachel Bloom, @racheldoesstuff
TWELFTH NIGHT: a story of gender confusion, love unrequited, a jock strap, a drunk, and a harmonium, played by four women and two dudes, with one fabulous lady musician!
Audience Feedback:
- “This show was absolutely delightful. It’s rare to hear Shakespeare spoken so well, and the production is hilarious and very creative. The actors are all fantastic, and the music is completely gorgeous. I’m planning to see it again before Fringe ends!”
- “This production was a perfect blend on intelligent comedy with a touch of romance that would be perfect for any age group.”
- “This play was a find! The level of acting and production for a small venue play definitely went above and beyond. The energy of the actors while maintaining two characters, each very physical roles was truly amazing.”
- “A truly phenomenal adaptation of Twelfth Night. An incredibly funny, accessible, and well-acted production!”
- “We loved this show so much we’ve bought tickets to go again – it’s funny, it’s creative, and the ENTIRE cast is outstanding. Liz Eldridge’s hauntingly beautiful voice and her accordian, kazoo and ukelele paces the show brilliantly. Each actor has a double role – and the staging of the character changes is something to behold. You’ll be sorry if you miss it.”
Tickets $10, use discount code MIYFRIDAY for $2 off on Fridays!