
BEYOND - Schachner Vs. Schachner

solo performance · Abby Schachner · Ages 12+ · United States of America

one person show
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MARTIN OLSON certified reviewer June 30, 2014
tagged as: one person show · comedy · tragedy · shocking
I have never seen a one person show like this one by Abby Schachner. It was a deeply emotionally experience and a nonstop assault on the senses. Her mind-blowing story was unleashed with incredible raw intensity and balanced by a playful intelligence and crazy sense of humor. The surreal story she reveals about her parents is performed with surprising precision and powerful energy that is both hysterical and touching. Schachner is an amazing performer, a tornado of weird brilliance and a new important voice to be reckoned with. This show should be expanded and produced off-broadway. It's really that original, shocking and profound. Easily the best one person show I have seen in years. ... full review
LAURA STUPSKER certified reviewer June 23, 2014
AMAAAAZING SHOW!! Definitely a must-see. Abby is such a talented performer and will make you laugh non-stop while also gasping in disbelief. She had to improvise quite a bit as there were technical difficulties, which actually made the show even more impressive. I grew up with Abby, knew a little about the story, and was still constantly shocked at what I saw and heard from her show. Brilliant!! ... full review
BRANDON CLARK certified reviewer June 23, 2014
An amazingly funny and poignant roller coaster ride though the mind of Abby Schnachner. I loved it! Redefines what a "one woman show' could be. ... full review
SANDY HELBERG certified reviewer June 08, 2014
BRAVO! Amazing! Made me laugh. Made me cry (just a little). And you think you're parents were a tad nuts. Must see!... full review
KENDALL HAILEY certified reviewer June 08, 2014
tagged as: funny · hysterical · inventive · surprising · honest · genius
Schachner Vs. Schachner was one of the most inventive, tragic, hysterical, surprising, shocking and wonderful shows I have ever seen. Abby Schachner is an amazing performer -- I've never before seen an actress talk to her own brain -- as represented by a bowl of spaghetti -- on stage before and until today I had no idea what I was missing!!!... full review
STUART HARRIS certified reviewer June 23, 2014
tagged as: riveting · hilarious · moving · original
This was a fantastic, must-see show! Do not fail to see one of Abby's final performances. Abby takes us on a riveting and often-hilarious trip through her parent's divorce and the dark yet amazingly moving and funny aftermath of it. Abby runs us through a gauntlet of emotions and never fails to keep our attention throughout. Her quirky, perceptive, and original style is in fine form and you will leave the theater feeling glad you dropped some of your hard-earned cash to see this show. A truly, amazing solo-performance!!!... full review
JOHN FALCHI certified reviewer June 09, 2014
tagged as: funny · heart-breaking · joyous · fun · honest
Make time to go see Abby Schachner's solo show, "Schachner Vs. Schachner." I was laughing and smiling the whole time. What impressed me the most was how emotionally honest she is in telling her sometimes heart-breaking tale. The intimate space is well-suited for the piece and Abby's exuberance is a thing of joy.... full review
EVELYNE WERZOWA certified reviewer June 24, 2014
I was blown away by this personal and hysterical show. I was laughing one minute then dropping my jaw in disbelief the next. Not only is Abby a great performer, she is so in the moment, and it's so personal that you feel like she's telling her story for the first time. The writing is smart, the phrasing quick witted, and endearing all at the same time! I want to go again and take everyone I know!... full review
MEL NOWAK certified reviewer June 09, 2014
Please go see this show. As a person who thinks most LA theater sucks balls, this show really knocked me out. It's truly funny-- but tragically heartbreaking. Abby portrays a delicate balance of humor with extreme vulnerability and realness. And she tells a good story (missing from a lot of LA theater). I was clinging to every word, wondering what would happen next. She also has so much energy in this show, roaming around, taking complete command of the space, with her body, her props, her energy! This show is really well done, and is so full of heart. A must see. ... full review
TODD SMAILES certified reviewer June 09, 2014
(The hard part of this review will be to not reveal anything from the show itself as it NEEDS to be seen.) This was a fantastic performance with a nail-biting story told by the quirky, instantly-likable one woman show, Abby Schachner. Within the first 20 seconds she had me hook, line and sinker for the story is one of those "ripped from the headlines" kinda story, but whoa: nothing like you would EVER expect! Abby owned her performance the second she began but because of her extremely humble nature she will be the first one to deny it. She displayed conviction in every part of her show. The comedic elements were naturally funny stories told with an earnestness and "flashback" scenes certainly put the viewer back in the time frame, adding ... full review
beyond - schachner vs. schachner