Cecily by Gillian Plowman

ensemble theatre · cape turnaround productions · Ages 16+ · United States

family friendly
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SARAH TITHER-KAPLAN uncertified reviewer June 28, 2014
Christina is an incredibly gifted director. This intimate and heartbreaking story is captivating and fully realized by a fiercely talented group of actors. The difficult themes in this story are hard to swallow, but vital to confront. ... full review
JUSTINE EVANS uncertified reviewer June 28, 2014
The theatre is small and intimate and Cecily fits perfectly in such a space. Amazing acting, beautiful direction, and an absolutely heart-wrenching story. I was quickly drawn into the world of Sheila, Ellen and Cecily and it blew me away. A truly wonderful, one-of-a-kind performance.... full review
KERSTIN CONGLETON certified reviewer June 17, 2014
What an exhilarating experience this Festival is for those of us who love theatre! Gillian Plowman’s “Cecily” makes us enter into the conflicted feelings pertaining to the needs in caring for a brain damaged young person. In back-flashes we get to know what the once vibrant teenager Cecily, played by an impressive Esther Mira, was before the motor accident that made her an invalid. The excellent Dionne Neish gives a heartfelt interpretation of what it might be like to care for a person you love, yet feel a resentment toward. As the sister, the aunt, the professional woman, dL Sams conveys the right attitude of the one who succeeded (escaped) to more or less independence, yet feels guilty. A heart rendering play I would like to see expanded... full review
COURTNEY BELL certified reviewer June 17, 2014
Some very strong performances, particularly by the two sisters. Really engaging and heartbreaking story. And I bumped this review up to AMAZING because they offered some very tasty scones with a gluten free option! I'm all for audience bribery :) In seriousness, though, I found this show to be quite thought provoking.... full review
ANN SHORE uncertified reviewer June 17, 2014
This was such a thought-provoking play and I absolutely loved it. My roommate and I came together and we were blown away by the incredible performances by all three actresses. This is a story that draws you in and leaves you wanting more. I felt as though I was watching a real family--the relationships were that strong and convincing. I really loved the flashback scenes because I got a chance to see what Cecily (played beautifully by Esther Mira) once was and what she could have been had things turned out differently. I highly recommend this play!... full review
ARIS ALVARADO certified reviewer June 19, 2014
Great Acting!!!... full review
NATASHA BROWN uncertified reviewer June 20, 2014
Strong performances. Loved the tension that was portrayed by these threes beautiful actresses. A must see family drama. what was even better it wasn't long winded a 50 minute play left me able to see other plays at the festival. Im still thinking about the performances and the story.... full review
ISRAEL WRIGHT uncertified reviewer June 20, 2014
An emotionally powerful piece about family and duty! All three ladies were well cast and brought such compelling performances. Worth seeing for the skilled acting and charged subject matter.... full review
RONNIE MARMO uncertified reviewer June 20, 2014
A three hander, all female play full of twists and turns that kept me gripped throughout the 40 mins performance. It was delightful to watch these actresses protray strong relationships on stage. The acting was beautiful excuted. This is a thought provoking play, as you see the tension build between the two sisters as they try to come to terms with their own futures and the secrets of the past. Dionne Neish was absolutely fantastic! A must see. ... full review
ANASTASIA COON uncertified reviewer June 21, 2014
I really enjoyed watching Cecily by Gillian Plowman. I appreciated the plot twists and an unexpected revelation that was handled deftly by the three very strong actresses. This play provoked new ideas for me about perceived responsibilities and sacrifice in a family. Dionne Neish shines as she gives a strong, moving performance as a woman who must stand up for herself in response to years of unfulfilled dreams. If you enjoy contemporary plays about relationships being pushed to the limit, go see Cecily. ... full review