
Chicken in a Box

ensemble theatre · NoBones Productions · Ages 16+ · United States

world premiere
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DARBY MCCULLOUGH certified reviewer June 23, 2014
What a beautiful show! It's been a while since I've been so completely moved by a live performance. The writing, directing, acting, set design all manifested perfectly into the telling of a whole heartedly beautiful and important story. The entire cast shines beautifully! The two leads, Elizabeth Gudenrath and John Bohan, flawlessly capture the simultaneously charming and uncomfortable depths of universal humanness that pull at the heartstrings of anyone who has ever felt loss, fear, love and laughter. The entire cast shines, as does the production as a whole! ... full review
ANTHONY SIDLOWSKI certified reviewer June 14, 2014
Great performances and a really good story. The small, cramped stage made set design awkward, but a few ingenious work arounds helped pull it together. An hour and a half well spent!... full review
GABRIELLE REYES certified reviewer June 14, 2014
tagged as: fabulous · heartfelt · moving
This show with it's quick humor laced between heartfelt dialogue was not only moving, but a truly inspiring work of art. I'm proud to call myself an actor and story teller when I see art this delightful. The cast members each brought their own unique quirkyness, drawing the audience in and captivating them through life being lived. To say the least, this show was glorious!!!... full review
chicken in a box