The Spolin Players

comedy · · Ages 8+ · United States

family friendly
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PHYLLIS KATZ uncertified reviewer June 16, 2013
The Spolin Players show you how masters play the fundamental games of improv. The show I saw was joyful. ... full review
KRISTI KANE certified reviewer June 18, 2013
A smart and funny show. A terrific time that can be enjoyed again and again.... full review
BOB LEGGETT certified reviewer June 11, 2013
A rare treat - to be surrounded by some of these stars of television and film, spending an evening performing improv games. As is the situation with improv, every show is different, as the audience selects the activity, emotion, location, and background for each game. The result is a fun-filled hour of hilarity, joviality, rapture and enough laughs to make your sides hurt. ... full review
MICHAEL FARROW certified reviewer June 12, 2013
As expert a troupe of improvisers as you'll find anywhere in America. They have not only remained true to Viola Spolin's craft, they have improved upon it (a "Yes, And" adjustment?). ...I heartily recommend it to anyone who wants to see improv in its truest form, performed by professional actors at the top of their form. --- michael david farrow ... full review
ELLEN LEVINE certified reviewer June 12, 2013
Our phones and emails hacked by the government..... crazy people getting guns online and shooting innocent people.... fires burning....the 405 forever jammed.... but The Spolin Players get you to FORGET ALL THAT (at least for an hour) and LAUGH, LAUGH, LAUGH. It's the best remedy. Highly recommended for all your ills! Grab a seat, take a breath - and have a GREAT time!... full review
PAUL EIDING certified reviewer June 14, 2013
Spolin Players are an incredibly skilled improvisational ensemble. Watching them create scenes from audience suggestions is truly a masterclass in how to do improv. They build and share each scene. They play skillfully with each other, from two person scenes to everyone on stage at the same time. Their dubbing is superb and hysterical. I loved watching them create and I loved that it is made up equally of male and female performers. Such wonderful elastic faces, great voices, and amazing minds. Oh, and the improvisational songs, wow, what talent and bravery. The two sisters in Paris was so good and never to be repeated. The Spolin Players show is great entertainment and damn funny! Colleen Kelly-Eiding... full review
MELISSA BAIRD certified reviewer June 11, 2013
It is so very nice to be in the hands of improvisational masters. This group works like a well oiled machine with ease, uber creativity, hilarity, and grace. Cannot say it enough, RUN to catch the show of the Spolin Players! You won't be disappointed. They are truly amazing, magical, and FUN FUN FUN!... full review
PAT BRADY uncertified reviewer June 23, 2013
What a fun evening !! It sure brought back memories of when Improv was improv. The whole cast worked so well together. Pat Musick sure can sing and John Mariano ..for a great voice over guy he sure is a terrific physical comic. It was also wonderful to see Gary Schwartz back on stage in LA..way back when I never missed a Schwartz and Chung show. I highly recommend this show to any one old or young who is a true fan of Improv. ... full review