It's very rare I post a review about a performance. However, since each ticket (with the service fee) was 15 dollars and this was a doozy, I feel like it's worth posting about. We were his first audience for the show and it was a mess from start to finish. He had his set list out and referred to it very often (too often), but still somehow struggled his way through. He'd forget if he told jokes and ask us if he already told them (he did). He'd forget to do a bit that involved a lighting change from Zach in the booth and then stand there for long beats of time asking Zach if he should try it again, or he'd yell at Zach about missing a cue (a non-existent cue. Zach, you did your best with nothing). He ran out of material within what seemed to ...
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I didn't know what to expect going in. All I knew was it was Dracula doing stand-up. I was sold! I was not disappointed. I had a fun time. I could see this show being especially raucous on a late-night Saturday when there would indeed be more interaction with the audience. ...
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A quirky, funny and darkly comedic performance by the prince of darkness. This is Dracula as we've never seen him. Laid back and introspective, we are sitting in a room with a vampire who could very easily suck our blood, but he is there to entertain. ...
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Lots of audience interaction with a likable performer. A bit like watching a student film though, if you know what I mean: not polished, but still fun. That's what the Fringe Festival is all about! :)...
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