Hilariously fast-paced and earnest on the front end by the absolute beam of sunlight that is Laura and juxtaposed by the darker comedic storytelling delivered so beautifully by Jake this show is a duo solo show for the books! The amount of love left on that stage was unbelievably heartfelt and something I will keep with me for a very long time. ...
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There is a quote by Vonnegut: “You meet saints everywhere. They can be anywhere. They are people behaving decently in an indecent society.” This show has affirmed that for me. It should be treasured....
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What a beautiful memorial to a grandfather that inspired the artist to be the kind, supportive, joyful human she is. And a honest and heartfelt journey from a man that loves his wife and pains for his friend....
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Laura and Jake are a delightful double bill, kooky opposites that couldn't be better suited to each other theatrically or personally. They share their lives with such warmth it brought tears to my eyes at times, down to the way they help each other get through their shows. ...
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