
Vote for Tom Ryan

Comedy · Cool S Theatrics · Ages 13+ · United States of America

Pay What You Can world premiere

About the Project

Please join Presidential candidate, Tom Ryan, and his campaign staff to watch the live results of this historic election as he hopes to follow in the Presidential steps of his father. A political satire.

Tickets are pay what you can (with a suggested amount of $5)!

Production Team

Brandon Karsh

brandon karsh *

director / producer
Drew Petriello

drew petriello *

writer / producer


Juliana Labarbiera

juliana labarbiera *

ingrid bartleby
Julie Brown

julie brown *

cassie hayes
Reid Emmons

reid emmons *

senator lionel humphreys
Sam Pinnelas

sam pinnelas *

aaron gideon

* Fringe Veteran

vote for tom ryan