A raw, high energy, witty, and engaging show… that has a very real, vulnerable , and touching moment. One that reaches in and grabs you by the heart. Get salty baby! ...
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A beautiful and funny show that felt important and current. This is a show that feels like it's been meticulously crafted and its star is prepared for anything you can throw at him. It's also not just a show, but a celebration of a community and its people....
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This is one of the shows I was most excited to see at the festival and it did not disappoint! Abel is fearless and unapologetic in tackling this major issue. ...
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Now this is entertainment. To have so much information and education in a show and still have it funny means you understood the assignment. This was a great one-man show full of love, religion, empathy and respect.
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Abel Horwitz's promotion of Kosher Salt claims he is going to "solve antisemitism in 45 minutes" is a bold statement, but he is well on his way. A truly entertaining evening of broad comedy and audience participation....
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Buckle up! This show is a crazy, amazing, heart wrenching, thought provoking ride. 45 minutes of laughter, tears, and joy. This show is for everyone, especially those who aren’t Jewish. ...
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Abel takes you on a journey of Jewish tropes that shows how ridiculous they are. He shows us the humanity behind these ideas in a fun and meaningful way. ...
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Electric/ Entertaining? Touching/ Whimsical and Thought Provoking were some of the words that come to mind as i sat watching Kosher Salt. Abel Horvitz has touched upon a very topical subject especially right now, by creating this fantastic show that is both personal universal and expoloding with high energy given bu Abel's artistic sense....
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