Bob Leggett

With My Eyes Shut

bob leggett · June 22, 2018 certified reviewer
The music and dancing were first rate, and moved the story along nicely. It was so easy to get swept up in this show,, which is definitely one of the best productions of HFF18. This one deserves recognition at the awards, and another run.... full review

From Toilet to Tinseltown

bob leggett · June 19, 2018 certified reviewer
If you are a hard-core Harry Potter fan, then this is definitely NOT the show for you. Moaning Myrtle takes us from the bathroom at Hogwarts and embarks on a journey culminating in the comedy clubs of Hollywood. FYI, Myrtle is a potty mouth, but she's so damn funny. ... full review


bob leggett · June 19, 2018 certified reviewer
It was massive fun to watch these gifted actors act like complete and utter fools, and consume massive amounts of rootbeer. At least one thing was accomplished . . . we finally know the source of Michael Shaw Fisher's depravity - it's the rootbeer!... full review

Blind Spots

bob leggett · June 19, 2018 certified reviewer
Thank you Colette Freedman for creating such a moving and stirring play, and for daring to do it without a single male! Constance Dalton-Pawie has directed a masterpiece of theater, which is one of the best shows at HFF18. Her delightful cast (Tamara Burgess, Koni McCurdy, Lindsay McGee, Michelle Pedersen and Veronica Wylie) work well as an ensemble. The chemistry between these players is very evident, and makes the show seem like a documentary on free speech.... full review

A Very DIE HARD Christmas

bob leggett · June 18, 2018 certified reviewer
Parody shows will either uplift or alienate fans of the original, and we are proud to say that this show is a definite hit. From the amazing rewrites of holiday songs to the long list of puns included in the show, the action kept us mesmerized for the entire 90 minutes, which flew by like Christmas morning.... full review

Sex and the Musical

bob leggett · June 18, 2018 certified reviewer
Laura Wiley once again delivers a hit. We are almost as big a fan of Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha as we are of McClane, and to see this amazing prequel was like a drink of water in a vast desert. ... full review


bob leggett · June 18, 2018 certified reviewer
She was extremely vulnerable during the show, and shared her hard fought lessons learned with strength and confidence. Although not quite yet a triple threat, she did have an amazing voice, and supplemented her impressive acting skills with that beautiful singing voice. ... full review

My Calico Soul

bob leggett · June 18, 2018 certified reviewer
Steve Brock is many things – singer-songwriter, actor, bisexual, autistic, talented, but what he definitely is not is timid. He confidently tells his story in song and speech, and draws the audience in with his sweetness and charm.... full review


bob leggett · June 18, 2018 certified reviewer
Her performance breaks chains and shatters taboos about eating disorders, alcoholism and unwanted sexual advances. Her courage is manifested in this show, and the 25 characters you will meet explain the struggles she has endured, and eventually conquered. ... full review

The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort

bob leggett · June 17, 2018 certified reviewer
The show is presented as a Greek tragedy, and very skillfully designed and executed. It brought us, and we’re sure other audience members, to tears, and is the best thing we have seen at Fringe thus far, truly worthy of the Top of the Fringe award.... full review