Kristen Boulé


kristen boulé · June 24, 2016 certified reviewer
Superb acting. Exciting script. Fast paced direction. Transformation of an empty space using nothing material whatsoever. These are the things GREAT Fringe shows are made of. These are the things TILT is made of. If you haven't seen this yet, do. It's an incredible well spent hour of top notch independent theatre. ... full review

Mark Twain Answers All Your Questions!

kristen boulé · June 24, 2016 certified reviewer
Super fun, silliness galore, Ed Goodman is SO entertaining and likable, what's not to love?! Highly recommended for a lot of laughs, I saw an early show and it was a GREAT way to start my day. Thanks Mr. Twain for all the answers!!... full review

Angel's Flight

kristen boulé · June 24, 2016 certified reviewer
A well-polished, sexy and exciting piece of unique theatre. The always-incredible ladies of Cherry Poppins are on point, Ritchey's direction is superb, the script is entertaining, all in all a beautiful, edgy & engaging show. LOVE the opening credits and the mysterious fish lady. A must see!... full review

Broadway Noir

kristen boulé · June 24, 2016 certified reviewer
Really solid production of a new musical that hasn't entirely found it's footing yet but is off to a really strong start in its world premiere!! Absolutely worth checking out for the outstanding performances and direction, great original music, fun venue (yay Three Clubs!), dazzling costumes and in my opinion what is just a preview to a new musical that is going to go far! I look forward to seeing further productions of this as it grows. It's a show to look out for, congrats Noir team! ... full review

The Princes' Charming

kristen boulé · June 24, 2016 certified reviewer
Great cast, fast-paced direction, memorable characters, Princes Charming delivers exactly what you expect it to, as it should! It a little while to get going, but then skyrockets from there! Bob is a gem, and repeatedly steals the show. But great performances all around. Super fun and totally worth checking out! ... full review

Up Down Stick Stuck

kristen boulé · June 24, 2016 certified reviewer
A unique exploration with an in-depth interpretation of three very interesting and extremely well acted characters. Simplistic and finely tuned, well worth seeing for the acting alone. Interesting and well-paced. I saw a late night 1130p performance and I was completely engaged and entertained!... full review

Artichoke Hearts

kristen boulé · June 07, 2016 uncertified reviewer
We randomly stumbled into the pwyc preview for Artichoke Hearts, and we sure are glad we did! A wonderfully written and performed unique look at a potentially ordinary topic, the actress does a beautiful job of taking the audience on a thoroughly engaging journey through the many different faces of love. Moving and throughly provoking, you'll laugh and cry, I'd say put this one on your viewing schedules for sure! ... full review