Ernest Kearney

Funny Bonz, the Humerus Solution

ernest kearney · August 25, 2021 certified reviewer
Funny Bonz, the Humerus Solution by the P3 Theatre Company suffers from a lack of slickness in some of the performances, which expresses itself by that naturalness and ease on stage which, in turn, relaxes an audience and makes them the better targets for any unexpected zingers to come.... full review

Estrawbery Fields Forever

ernest kearney · August 25, 2021 certified reviewer
Verenice Zuniga shares with her audiences a journey. Unfortunately it is a journey less like an odyssey of personal discovery and more like the morning rush hour commute to your office on the 405. ... full review

Japanese Love Story - Shizuka -静御前

ernest kearney · August 25, 2021 certified reviewer
Regrettably, I feel this show was strangled by a ligature woven from Tomoko Karina’s hyphens, the writer-director-lead actress of the play. Now whether Ms. Karina is a master of all these skills, one or none, I cannot determine and will not guess. However, I can state that in attempting to exercise this trio of disciplines simultaneously she has defeated herself. ... full review

The Layers of Tom Lehrer

ernest kearney · August 23, 2021 certified reviewer
Murray does not clutter the stage with excessive biographical tidbits, rather he chooses, wisely, to fill his stage time with a tasty medley of Lehrer’s toe tapping seditious tunes.... full review

Deconstructing Holly

ernest kearney · August 23, 2021 certified reviewer
In Deconstructing Holly, she recounts her surgeries, “facing the loss of all the biological organs that deem one a woman,” and seeing her lifelong dream of motherhood being stolen from her with both honesty and humor and under Jonathan Fahn’s direction shows herself to an be exceedingly engaging presence on stage.... full review

La Divina: The Last Interview of Maria Callas

ernest kearney · August 17, 2021 certified reviewer
Contributing to Cooper being able to pull off her vocal homage to Callas is the fact that she has a pretty impressive set of pipes herself and manages to quiver the walls of the Hudson Theatre, and probably a good portion of Santa Monica Boulevard, quite nicely with her singing. Read the full review on full review

Nature Vs.

ernest kearney · August 16, 2021 certified reviewer
There are some very amusing lines tossed about here – “A mother has no favorites,” one character declares in speaking of her children, “just a clear eye for winners.” This gives one the sense that the playwright thought getting “laffs” right out of the starting gate was the most important aspect of a successful comedy. She’s wrong. Read the full review at full review

Nobody Needs Another Hamlet

ernest kearney · August 16, 2021 certified reviewer
The main problem with actor Eric Billitzer’s Nobody Needs Another Hamlet, is that just about every actor does need a director. A rambling piece but short in which his facts are more interesting than his acting. Full review to follow on full review

Samson & the Burning Bush

ernest kearney · August 16, 2021 certified reviewer
The Eleventh Plague has arrived in the form of an hour and forty minute musical train wreck.... Full review to follow in ... full review


ernest kearney · August 16, 2021 certified reviewer
I laughed, I cried, it made me a better human being. (But mostly I laughed) The most flawless fun I’ve found at the 2021 HFF. A GOLD MEDAL. Full review to follow at ... full review