Michael Van Duzer (Playwright) directed the world premieres of his own plays: HOPEFULROMANTIC (Best Playwright), RECALLED TO LIFE and the one-act collection, TAWDRYTALES (Best Comedy for POSINGSTRAPPIRATES.)One-act commissions include: CLOUDBURST, for Celebration Theatre, plus THEHISTORY OF GAYTHEATRE IN SOMETHINGMORETHAN 60 SECONDS and TRATTORIA OF TERROR, both for Theatre Out in Orange County. He has directed local productions of: THECOLLECTION, WHATTHEBUTLERSAW, AS YOULIKE IT, ROSENCRANTZANDGUILDENSTERNAREDEAD, EDWARD II, THEDOUBLEDEALER, HALSTEDSTREET: CHICAGO (GLAAD nomination), THELISBONTRAVIATA and the local premiere of Daniel MacIvor’s IN ON IT (Weekly Nomination.)He has been resident director for the Opera Buffs since 1991 and recently helmed THEGOLDENAPPLE for Musical Theatre Guild.