Zander Raphael

Actor/Producer/Immersive Experience Designer

Zander Raphael (He/She/They) is a gender-fluid actor, singer, producer, clown, brand ambassador and performance artist. They made their Hollywood Fringe debut last year in the musical Cherries, Rare & Fair: A Quest For Orgasmic Rainbows, as a sexually frustrated pubescent mythical beast. Since the age of nine, Zander has worked professionally in Hollywood as a studio session singer and actor on TV shows, movies and commercials. Throughout the pandemic they acted in, produced and designed virtual events for a worldwide audience as a member of Co-Reality Collective (CRC) and The Caravan, creators of immersive solo, group and party experiences. Online participants were entertained, challenged and teleported through Zoom wormholes to uncharted technological territories. Zander additionally collaborated with SparkleVerse as a key performer and experience designer for the 2020 & 2021 Virtual Burns (Digital Burning Man). Their immersive character work includes hosting a Glass Onion themed escape room for Netflix, interacting with San Diego Comic Con patrons as an ancient Greek security guard and teaching Rage Therapy as The Queen of Hearts. They performed with Élan Artists as a Rabbit-Flight-Attendant-Tour-Guide in The Legends of Wonderland at The San Francisco Mint. Zander has been spotted as a Zombie Cowboy scaring Spotify music influencers, pouring cocktails to the Queer community in West Hollywood’s Gayborhood and dressed as an inflatable T. Rex roaming Venice Beach! This year for Hollywood Fringe, they are producing and starring in three Complaints Dept. projects: 1) Enter The Complaints Dept.; 2) Complaint Appointments with The Supervisor (A Complaints Dept. 1-on-1 Adventure); and 3) The Complaints Dept. Awards Show Gala Spectacular! Their Instagram is @Zander_Raphael