Guillermo Cienfuegos


Drama · rogue machine theatre · Ages 16+ · United States of America
LAPD Detective LaRhonda Parker investigates the shooting of a Black motorist during a traffic stop. The officer in question is Boyd Sully, a family friend and her husband’s ex-partner… In the gathering of facts where does the truth lie?
LAPD Detective LaRhonda Parker investigates the shooting of a Black motorist during a traffic stop. The officer in question is Boyd Sully, a family friend and her husband’s ex-partner… In the gathering of facts where does the truth lie?


Cabaret & Variety · rogue machine theatre · Ages 17+ · United States of America
A Rogue Machine popular favorite, RANT & RAVE is a live storytelling series held on the second Monday of every month for the last 15 years. Six writers share their unique, and often funny, true stories relating to a theme. This month's theme: Clutter.
A Rogue Machine popular favorite, RANT & RAVE is a live storytelling series held on the second Monday of every month for the last 15 years. Six writers share their unique, and often funny, true stories relating to a theme. This month's theme: Clutter.


Drama · rogue machine theatre · Ages 13+ · United States of America
Shay Solomon is many things - but she’s not a pawn in the bank’s efforts to buy up foreclosed real estate. can i touch it? examines Black hair politics, racial inequities faced by Black-owned businesses and the place women of color have to recede into when they get asked stupid ass questions
Shay Solomon is many things - but she’s not a pawn in the bank’s efforts to buy up foreclosed real estate. can i touch it? examines Black hair politics, racial inequities faced by Black-owned businesses and the place women of color have to recede into when they get asked stupid ass questions
guillermo cienfuegos