Katleho Mallela

My name is Mamothepana Katleho Anthea Mallela, I was born March 4th, 1995 in Kempton Park
South Africa, Katleho is my name of preference, I have been trained in theatre as an actress from the age of 12, I attended the Helen O’Grady Drama Academy when I completed high school I moved to Cape Town, South Africa to complete my
Bachelor’s degree in Live Performance at AFDA The South African School of Motion
Picture and Live Performance. which I completed in 2016, In 2017 moved to Los
Angeles to get further training at the New York Film Academy, I have just recently obtained my Associates Degree in Acting For Film. I have been theatrically trained most of
my career, My theatre background is Cinderella in the Phantom played The
stepmother, Last Chance High played Mrs. Tadpole, Biography played Annette, Tooth
and Nail played Thandi. commercial and tv experiences are Television: The
prestige The host & Commercial: PA HIV/Aids, Love Life. I have Directed and Produced Ruined at the New York Film Academy. My skills are
Contemporary and Tap Dancing, is Fluent in English, and Sesotho " Sepedi, Zulu, Tswane, and Afrikaans". I have
worked on a feature film which was entered into the Cannes Film Festival as producer.