
Karma in a Fishbowl

Cabaret & Variety · Miller & Dymalski Productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere
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karma in a fishbowl
PATRICK CHAVIS la theatre bites - podcast certified reviewer June 25, 2023
7.1 out of 10 – Average Show! Click the link below to learn more: full review
karma in a fishbowl
TRACEY PALEO, GIA ON THE MOVE (OFFICIAL PRESS) gia on the move (also writes for broadway world. voting member, ladcc) certified reviewer June 25, 2023
tagged as: ensemble · momangers · stage moms
They were clearly having a bad night when I saw this show. It's clear that the writer has written about four archetypes of people they despise. Because every one of them is a villain - un-empathetic and completely distasteful.... full review
karma in a fishbowl