
Two Person Show · challah black girls productions · Ages 13+ · United States of America

world premiere
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MOSES LEE certified reviewer June 27, 2023
tagged as: meta · unique · hilarious
Going into it, I did not know what to expect. The summary of the play alone was so unique that I did not know what else to compare it to. Surprisingly, the play superseded whatever I could have expected. It was hilarious and engaging, despite all of the play taking place in one set. Julia and Alia have amazing chemistry and their characters are so entertaining. Highly recommend!... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 26, 2023
I LOVED Interns! So funny and original!... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 23, 2023
tagged as: light-hearted · political · modern
It was an entertaining show to watch and I loved the overall concept.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 21, 2023
The show was fantastic - such an inventive concept fleshed out so smartly in its writing and directed brilliantly. The balance of jokes and story felt like the right pacing, each new story reveal included a a laugh for the audience, the performers’ comedic timing was on point. The tension of the Capitol riots was a hilarious backdrop for the story’s narcissistic protagonists and at no point did it feel heavy handed which I was very happy about. Definitely did not expect the ending to hit as hard as it did. Really nice job, and I recommend seeing!... full review
JAY GOLDSTUCK certified reviewer June 19, 2023
Really funny and topical! ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 07, 2023
Wonderfully funny! Great comedy with a message, and relevant to our times.... full review
DON LONG certified reviewer June 05, 2023
tagged as: Clever - relevant
Clever - did a great job establishing the personality of the characters from the start and how they developed them throughout the show.... full review
V MARKS certified reviewer June 04, 2023
tagged as: funny · Comedy
So funny and interesting! Full of great jokes and a ton of fun.... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 04, 2023
tagged as: girlboss · charming · silly
Very funny and charming... full review
DEL ATKINS certified reviewer June 03, 2023
It was great. The writing was good. It was funny, fast-paced, in depth and took us on a journey inside the capital.... full review