

Josiah Blount · Ages 18+ · United States of America

Content Warning one person show world premiere
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June 22, 2023 certified reviewer

What I liked

Although the show includes fantasy elements, I was struck by how incredibly honest the entire show felt. It had so much heart and was wildly entertaining from beginning to end. Josiah’s performance was very funny and very emotional. Brought tears my eyes.

What I didn't like

Nothing. This show was beautifully done and would not change a thing.

My overall impression

I was taken on a journey through the lens of a young pastor who is giving his first sermon. He seems to be uneasy because he is trying to be someone that he is not. He’s trying to conform to the world he was born into. As the sermon progresses, he starts to reveal himself. It is beautiful, heart breaking, and cathartic.

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