
Breakup Addict

Soaring Solo · Ages 18+ · United States of America

one person show
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breakup addict


June 18, 2023 certified reviewer

What I liked

The craft! Paige’s ability to distinguish each of her numerous characters through her vocal and physical range is extremely impressive. Switching back and forth between characters seems effortless for her even though so many of her home poses require some wild core strength. She makes it all look deceptively easy and that allows us to immerse ourselves fully in each conversation. Very inspiring!

What I didn't like

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My overall impression

In “Breakup Addict” Paige delivers, purely and simply, a masterclass in solo theater. From the vulnerability of the story, to the comedic introspection, to the effortless character switches, Paige is an incredibly gifted solo theater artist and one we can all look too to improve our craft. If you have ever wanted to explore this art form, study this show carefully.

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breakup addict