
I Can't Indian Good

Soaring Solo Studios · Ages 12+ · United States of America

one person show
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MICHAEL DEMAS certified reviewer June 11, 2023
An incredible experience. This was a real emotional odyssey. There was fight choreography, dancing, laughs, tears, and heartwarming moments. It was weird, inventive and significant. Everything from the writing to the performance to the physicality felt authentic and thoughtful.... full review
SUTICHAI SAVATHASUK certified reviewer July 03, 2023
Brandon tackles identities and insecurities of what it means to be an Asian-American. I appreciated the personalness of the spectrum of characters Brandon embodies that I heavily related to in being distant from cultural roots but still enjoying that we are a culmination of struggles and stories from our ancestors. All in all, fantastic show that had me crying from laughter and crying from feeling that thing in my heart. ... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer July 03, 2023
Phenomenal!!!... full review
MAYURI BHANDARI certified reviewer July 02, 2023
Brandon did a great job of jumping in and out of the different characters, really painting a visual story as the gremlin character said. Nana Nani embodied remained in my mind too. We were able to see who he was, his story, and his point of view clearly. What he was going for I believe came across. ... full review
BETHANY VEE certified reviewer July 01, 2023
I was blown away…. I’ve seen a lot of incredible solo theatre, but nothing quite like this. I am a huge fan of Brandon Raman’s.... full review
YOUSAF SAJID certified reviewer June 30, 2023
This was a PHENOMENAL one person show. I have 0 connection to the actor nor did I know what I was walking into, and I was blown away by the story, the characters, the dance choreo, the fight choreo, and the sheer level of acting talent. I walked out thinking "this needs to be on streaming so I can show friends"!... full review
MATTHEW MARTIN certified reviewer June 28, 2023
Walking into this show, I knew nothing of Brandon, only people telling me that I needed to see it. And they were right. This show is excellent. From the start Brandon takes you right into his problem of looking Indian, but not knowing anything about what it means to be Indian. His script and performance are so on point that you can easily picture every scene he walks into and every character he steps into. His characterizations are just amazing and he shifts between characters with such precision and perfection. His show is hilarious. It's also extremely honest, vulnerable and unapologetic. His physicalities are just ridiculous. I mean that as a compliment. He moves through dance, martial arts, and physical comedy with such ease. I... full review
JILLIAN DUNN certified reviewer June 26, 2023
This show is so good! I am so glad I checked it out. Hilarious and poignant - this show is not to be missed. ... full review
DAVID MATOZA certified reviewer June 26, 2023
Brandon Raman, with incredible ease, takes the audience on a personal story of strife, sadness and finding one's own identity that anyone can personally connect to. While his tale is specific to him, it carries a humanity and vulnerability anyone can associate with. So many times he had the audience fully immersed, laughing, clapping, relishing in the various emotions of the unknown, and gladly going along on the ride he takes us on. The talent displayed in this show is phenomenal and Brandon does an incredible job separating characters, creating humor, touching hearts and bringing us all on this journey. I can't wait to see him do this again over and over.... full review
ANZU LAWSON certified reviewer June 25, 2023
Brilliantly performed and executed by Brandon! The writing took us to deep places only a true warrior could have navigated us through; growing up in white washed America, searching for identity, and showing us all how to ultimately finding our authenticity within our own selves. Has my vote for Best Solo performance!... full review
i can't indian good