Jolly Playtime

jolly comedy · Ages 16+ · United States of America

world premiere
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June 14, 2023 certified reviewer

What I liked

I really liked that the second a bit had passed it’s peak with the audience, Molly and Jace dropped right back in to their children-on-a-play-date characters. They were so in tune with the audience as well as each other. I also think that the musical improv in the form of a piano player taking the role of their imaginary friend worked so well. It was the most successful combination of long-form improve with musical accompaniment that I’ve ever seen.

What I didn't like

I honestly can’t think of an improvement I’d recommend. Keep doing what you’re doing.

My overall impression

Absolutely hilarious and so damn entertaining. Molly and Jace bounced off of each other with effortless consistency. The format of a kids’ play date accompanied by a musical imaginary friend was brilliant and lent itself extremely well to an improv show that never gets stale or too uncomfortable. I loved it.

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