Truly Outrageous: A Jem & The Holograms Parody Musical

starlight productions · Ages 7+ · United States of America

family friendly world premiere
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June 11, 2023 certified reviewer
tagged as: touching · inclusive · nostalgic · funny

What I liked

I loved the twists that improved (and parodized) the original story, the original songs, the casting, the costumes, and the singing. I enjoyed the playful workarounds they used for the problematic hologram special effects scenes, and the winks to the audience (“my being here makes sense”). I was surprised to find some genuinely sweet and touching moments. Special shout out to Synergy who played the role with wit and style, but everyone was funny and awesome.

What I didn't like

Livestream sound was a bit uneven; I used headphones to try to catch more of the dialogue then winced when it went full blast. Also, (spoilers) I had full sympathy for Eric at first and then he DID turn out to be the bad guy, evidently complicit by his lack of surprise at the Misfits’ mischief?

My overall impression

I loved this!

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