Raise Your Hand... From the DEAD!!

Comedy · sacred fools theater company · Ages 12+ · United States of America

world premiere
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June 05, 2023 certified reviewer
tagged as: fun · silly · clever · witty

What I liked

The performance of “the hand,” the clever back and forth deadpan silly similes, and the likeable cast all serve to make a highly entertaining show.

What I didn't like

There is a scene where the conceit is that the noise of dogs offstage is so loud it causes the characters to have to scream over them. The sound balance is such that the characters actually have to scream to be heard, which gets a bit annoying. A more careful balance between the sound effects and the onstage dialogue volume could still suggest this sound dynamic without being quite so distracting.

My overall impression

This fast paced, absurdist romp captures the feel of bad b movies with some laugh out loud hilarious rapid fire word play.

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