
Empathy Party

Solo Show · N/A · Ages 18+ · United States of America

Content Warning one person show
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empathy party


June 10, 2023 certified reviewer

What I liked

The inclusion of multimedia in the show really get you inside the ruckus that Ariel experiences inside his head all the time. There are so many devices that he uses to weave the narrative that is himself that add to the layers of complexity he’s bringing to stage.

What I didn't like

Only a couple of the cues were slightly off when it came to sound, but it was otherwise impeccable content.

My overall impression

Ariel’s show is the self-actualization of the class clown. There is an open vulnerability he holds in his humor that is devastating in its delivery; and as an audience member, you can only hold your pity for mere moments before he gets you to howl with laughter.

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empathy party