Cemetery Golf

theatre · jim loucks · Ages 13+ · United States

one person show
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BRIAN KUHAR uncertified reviewer June 10, 2012
Jim Loucks' "Cemetery Golf" is an amazing one man show. Full of strong emotion and comedy, Loucks' mines the depths of his past experience to evoke his childhood growing up in Georgia as a the son of a preacher and his perfectionist wife. The characters he portrays are lively and you really feel the pain, confusion and anguish of his upbringing through his storytelling and acting. A must see!... full review
ANONYMOUS uncertified reviewer June 20, 2012
I loved the honesty of the show. Jim portrayed his whole family, providing the perspective of each in a very restricted, religious life in the South. I found it funny and enlightening. Jim could be a Southern preacher himself. He knows how to reach a crowd and shake them a bit.... full review
JARED FLADELAND uncertified reviewer June 21, 2012
I'm very glad I was fortunate enough to see the last performance of this show. Whoever didn't get to see this show missed out. Rarely does one actor effectively portray more than one character quickly without the benefit of some type of prop or costume. Jim flawlessly shifts between six characters by my count (four major characters). It deals with one of the most powerful human emotions: Shame. And yet, it's about so much more. It's about family, it's about religion, it's about a specific time and place of existence. I enjoyed the show. As a physical theatre artist, I found a deep respect for Jim's commitment to every action on the stage. There is no hiding in a one person show, and he brought an impressive game to the s... full review
ANONYMOUS certified reviewer June 10, 2012
Jim Louck's energetic performance captures slices of life of amusing characters surrounding a hell & brimstone southern Baptist preacher.His witty and insightful characterizations and captivating stage presence gave the audience a real sense of time and place. Show was very entertaining and highly recommended .... full review
ELIZABETH THINNES certified reviewer June 10, 2012
There's an incredible cast of characters in this one-man show! Jim Loucks created such detailed environments while telling of his struggle to find the faith his father held so dear--his passionate performance transported me into his youth in rural Georgia. A great show!... full review