Twin Cities theatrical favorite John Heimbuch performs Charlie Bethel’s fierce one-person retelling of BEOWULF. This faithful and accessible adaptation of this classic Old English poem about a warrior king and some famous monsters, modernizes the wit, vigor, and meaty language of the original Anglo-Saxon epic. This story-telling tour de force has been performed at firesides, meadhalls, wooded glades, schools, and live theatres.
“an hour of powerful theatre” – Pamela Espeland, MinnPost
“I wish I could’ve seen a presentation like this when I was first introduced to Beowulf, it is perfection.” – Hot Chocolate Media
“Both the script and performance are gems. It was as pure a night of theater as I have ever seen. See this show.” – Minnesota Fringe audience review
Warning: BEOWULF includes descriptions of fantasy violence, appropriate for ages 10 and up.
Performed by John Heimbuch
Written by Charlie Bethel
Directed by Amy Rummenie
JOHNHEIMBUCH (performer) is an award-winning writer, director and actor for stage and screen. He is the Co-Artistic Director of Walking Shadow Theatre Company in Minneapolis. His original plays WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE’S LAND OF THEDEAD and THELEGEND OF SLEEPYHOLLOW have been published by Concord Theatricals and produced at theaters around the world. He has been performing Charlie Bethel’s BEOWULF and GILGAMESH since 2019.
CHARLIEBETHEL (playwright) was the creator of numerous critically acclaimed solo shows, including Beowulf, Gilgamesh, The Odyssey, Call of the Wild, Seven Poor Travellers, and others which he performed at theatres and festivals around the United States. He passed away in 2017 and is deeply missed by his many friends and family.
AMYRUMMENIE (director) is an award-winning stage director and Co-Artistic Director of Walking Shadow Theatre Company in Minneapolis, where she has directed over 30 productions.
COVIDPOLICY – Due to the close proximity of the venue, MASKS and PROOF OF VACCINATION will be required at the show.