Metaland: A (late) 21st Century Vaudeville

Cabaret & Variety · wordspace-musicspace · Ages 15+ · United States of America

world premiere

Cyberlilly has just been downloaded into a human body (again!) and brings the Cyberlanders with her to let all know just how tenuous the human body is – compared to the joys of living in the internet! Yes, she’s missed ‘live performance’ – even though she’s been/seen every show online – so, only Cyberlilly can truly reveal the nature of virtual compared to real.
If the truth be know, she was forced back down into the current body after a few “incidents” online: the worst jail is reality, as we know it. The secret, or not so secret is that her only joy in this body is looking for Adom, her true love before the last upload. Love is difficult digitally.
With her team of music-acro-clown-VR-insidious players, there is no telling who will survive till the end, and whether love will be found. And whether anything at all is real….

Production Team

* Fringe Veteran