Three Guys, One Groupon

Comedy · sacred fools theater company · Ages 18+ · United States of America

world premiere
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three guys, one groupon

Review by MEG LIN

June 22, 2022 certified reviewer
tagged as: creative · unique · Friendships · heart warming · sweet

What I liked

We are so used to having everything fast paced and visually driven that it was a breath of fresh air to slow down and watch the actors take their time performing with a simple set so that every pause and moment of silence was meaningful.

What I didn't like

N/A – I’d love to see this as a TV show.

My overall impression

This was such a refreshing and tender-hearted show to help release any tension and anxiety in our lives, and it gives hope for what humanity and friendships could be. It’s such a clever story with likeable characters and to have the “men” played by women was so much fun to watch.

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three guys, one groupon